Speech To Note

Speech To Note

Turn your Speech into Notes

AIspeech to textnote-takingvoice notes

Ever feel stuck when you start writing a social media post, email, proposal, or product description We've all been there, staring at that blank page. That's the problem we wanted to solve with Speech to Note. Most people are more comfortable talking than they are with drafting their thoughts on paper. I faced this issue too, which inspired the creation of Speech to Note.

Here's the deal you speak, we jot down your thoughts. Hit the record button, start spilling your ideas, and boom - there's your transcription. But we don't stop there. You can then convert this transcription into a more polished note. Choose from various formats - email, LinkedIn post, story, book notes, you name it. And if none of our predefined formats fit, you can create a custom one.

Speech to Note isn't just about transcription its about creating usable content from your spoken words. Plus, you can share your notes via webhooks, organize them with tags, and search through them easily. At its core, Speech to Note helps you turn your voice into well-structured notes, making that first draft a breeze to work on.

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